
AGM 10 September 2024 – Minutes

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Minutes of the 35th Annual General Meeting – 10 September 2024 held at the Apart Hotel Pinosol
The meeting commenced at 13.30pm when sufficient owners were present.
President: Margaret March
Treasurer: Pat Bramah
Secretary: Jane Klaassen
Vocal 1: Paul Bird
Abogado/Administrator/ Spanish Translator: Óscar Antón

Owners Present (by street and house number): 38 owners (25 properties represented)
Correggio 1 & 3, Edgar Degas 5 & 23, Paul Cezanne 3, 6, 7, 10, 16, 18, 32, 37, Paul Gauguin 18, 20, 23, 24, 31, & 32, Rembrandt 2, & 8, Sandro Botticelli 3, 4, 14, 17, & 18
Owners voting by Proxy (by street and house number): 15 properties
Andrea di Bartolo 13, T/Cansalades 50, Edgar Degas 2, 3, & 7, Paul Cezanne 1, 9, & 11, Paul Gauguin 14, 25 & 30, Sandro Botticelli 5, 6, 16, 22.
Apologies for absence received from Owners (by street and house number) 6 properties
Andrea di Bartolo 1 & 4, Edgar Degas 8, & 11, Paul Cezanne 12, Rembrandt 5

  1. Welcome
    The President opened the meeting with the following remarks:
    • Welcome and thank you for coming.
    • Translations into Spanish will be by Óscar Antón from Arenal Administration.
    • I wish to thank the Restaurant for allowing us the use of this room without charge.
    • I also wish to thank the Committee Members for their support throughout the year and, thank our partners who support and encourage us and put up with the time we spend on Comunidad work.
    • Thanks go to Malcolm March, for acting as the Comunidad Pinosol Facebook Group Manager and Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator.
    • Today is a formal meeting and owners should behave accordingly – addressing any questions through me. Any owner wishing to speak should hold up their hand and wait to be acknowledged by me. Once invited to speak please say your name and street address.
    • Please respect your neighbours when translations are being made by not chatting between yourselves so that others can hear what is being said.
    • Those allowed to vote have been given voting card, Yes (green) and No (red) at Registration. When we take a vote, please hold up the relevant card.
    • All votes at the meeting are added to those received by proxy which we have already listed and been checked by Oscar Anton our lawyer. The result of votes will be marked on the chart.
  2. Apologies for absence
    Apologies were received from 21 properties of whom 15 submitted Proxy Votes. See list above.
  3. Minutes of the 34th Annual General Meeting – 12 September 2023
    Issued to owners on 8 October 2023. No comments were received, so it is taken that these are accepted and agreed
  4. Annual Report
    Issued to owners on 25 August 2024
    Margaret March summarised the report as follows:
    • We arranged for a meeting with the Councillor for Services and the technician for streetlighting to visit Pinosol to see our system and to hear our concerns and request the Town Hall to adopt the system.
    • Temporary solar lights have been installed in C/Rembrandt and C/Peter Paul Rubens because the remaining lighting there was much poorer than in the other streets affected by the cable breakage. Brighter bulbs were fitted in the remaining posts in the other streets.
    • The Town Hall are clear they cannot adopt our system without it being brought up to current standards, which would involve a compete replacement of all posts, to 4 metre ones, and new cables which would involve excavating along every street to install new cables.
    • In the light of this our proposal is to have a solar system, which would not need cables as each unit would have its own solar panel to provide power.
    • We have engaged an Electrical Engineer to prepare a technical specification to the Town Hall for their approval so that we can install solar lights along our streets, because they are public roads and subject to public regulations.
    • We expect the technical report to be provided shortly, after which we will obtain estimates of the cost as quickly as possible so that we can restore full lighting to those streets affected by the cable breakage. The new system will cover the whole of Pinosol.
    • We have an amount in the reserve fund to replace the system when we are able following agreement from the Town Hall. We will call an extra ordinary general meeting to agree the way forward once we have estimates for the cost.
    Roads and pavements
    • Repairs to kerbs and other small areas are often made quickly once reported to the Town Hall using the Xabia Connecta app. Owners are encouraged to do this for anything they see that needs attention as was done recently about the drain cover in front of the post-boxes.
    • We arranged for the Councillor for Services and his technician to visit Pinosol to look at the drains and hear about the problems we have when there is heavy rain.
    • They have agreed to repair the pipe under the road between Calle Sandro Botticelli and Calle Eduardo Manet that feeds the sump in front of the post-boxes.
    • The Town Hall will also attend to the drain covers that need levelling with the road to prevent build-up of debris when it rains.
    • Other drainpipes that need repair, which pass under gardens and houses, are for the Comunidad to deal with and we have a report from Limpiezas Javea about cracks in the sections that go from Calle Paul Cezanne to Travesia des les Cansalades. There are also root invasions in other places.
    • We have an estimate from Limpiezas to repair the cracked drains using a lining system rather than excavating to instal new pipes. We have asked questions of Limpiezas before deciding on their estimate. There is no other company in the area who do this specialised work.
    • We have sprayed weeds, using a licensed contractor, during the year and will schedule regular work to keep the weeds down. We have also cleared weeds by strimming to reduce using weedkiller.
    Hedges overhanging pavements
    • As in previous years there are several properties where the hedges are badly overhanging the pavement or obscuring streetlights. We ask that this be attended to promptly.
    Noise Nuisance
    • Once again, we have had incidences of noise nuisance during the holiday season from renters who appear not to want to respect the quiet nature of our neighbourhood.
    • It has been suggested that we introduce a proforma for owners to complete to give full details of these incidences so that we can collate all complaints and deal with them in a systematic way.
    • Clearly, this action will only take place after immediate action has been taken to get the noise stopped by speaking to the culprits. If the noise continues call the police and contact the owner concerned or their agent.
    • The President will also contact the owner concerned as soon as possible to alert them of the issue.
    Questions and comments from owners
    Helen Duarte C/Sandro Botticelli 4 queried whether a solution would be for the Town Hall to take responsibility for streetlights. Tosalet Comunidad have been successful in taking the Town Hall to court in relation to this and Helen passed a copy of the court ruling to Margaret for information.
    Margaret responded that this had been looked at previously and it wasn’t clear if there had been any agreement for the Town Hall to take the system over. We had no paperwork to show this was the case. Óscar Antón will talk to the Tosalet lawyer to find out further information.
    Because at this stage it is unclear what the costs and timescales would be to take the Town Hall to court, it was discussed investigating this in parallel to looking at the solar option.
    Proposal: Investigate taking the Town Hall to court and ascertain timescales and costs. In parallel look at the solar power option. A decision can be made when the information is available. Approved majority
    Helen Duarte, C/Sandro Botticelli 4, reported that she had submitted a complaint about the noise nuisance caused by renters in C/Sandro Botticelli 2, which had been signed by 22 owners.
    Margaret stressed that it was important for owners affected to continue to report incidents of noise and call the police when required so that the town hall have the appropriate records.
    Margaret confirmed that the rules for Pinosol were that there was to be no noise after midnight and to respect fiesta of 1500-1700.
    Óscar Antón said he would find out the general rules for Javea.
  5. Treasurer’s report
    These were issued to owners on 25 August 2024
    Pat Bramah, the Treasurer, summarised the following points:
    • Some new owners had been unaware that there was a Comunidad charge and following communication with them, the number of debtors had reduced by half with only seven remaining. There is one long term debtor which Arenal administration is pursuing.
    • There is a healthy reserve, but this is held to fund the solar lights should we decide to go ahead.
  6. Accept the budget and proposed fee of 100€ for 2024/2025 Agreed unanimously
  7. To accept the accounts for 2023/24. Approved unanimously
  8. To add 20% (10% penalty plus interest) to all outstanding fees as at 31 December 2024 Approved unanimously
  9. To take nonpayers to court and add 100 Euros to outstanding fees for extra judicial costs in accordance with Article 21 of the law of Horizontal Property Approved unanimously
  10. Elect the Committee for 2024/25
    President: Margaret March Elected unanimously
    Treasurer: Pat Bramah Elected unanimously
    Secretary Jane Klaassen Elected unanimously
    Vocal 1: Paul Bird Elected unanimously
    Vocal 2 Jane Frazer Elected unanimously
  11. Approve Administrators for 2024/25
    Approve Arenal Administration to be our Administrators for 2024/2025
    Approved unanimously
  12. Resolutions
    To agree the completion of the work now in hand to provide a technical specification for solar lights in Pinosol. To obtain permission form the Town Hall to install a new system
    Agreed unanimously
  13. Any other business
    Marie Louise Truscott, C/Sandro Botticelli 2 said that the heavy construction trucks used in building the new hotel had been driving down the unmade road Calle Georges de la Tours, causing cracks in their garden wall. She asked what the procedure was to claim for the damage caused.

Oscar replied that contractors must give a deposit to the Town Hall to cover any damage to property during construction work and that the claim should be made to them.

Maria Josefa, C/Paul Cezanne 7 reported that there was a large rubber tree hanging over the street from C/Paul Cezanne 5, which was causing a lot of dirt with falling leaves and she believed it might be dangerous with its branches overhanging the road.

Margaret said she would contact the owner. She also reminded owners that hedges should be kept within the restriction of the boundary and be flush with walls and not overhanging. Also, plant debris should be cleared away as soon as possible to prevent the drains from being blocked.

Marie-Therese Carette, C/Paul Gauguin 32, stated that the stop sign and road markings at the entrance to Pinosol near C/Correggio were in a poor state of repair and that cars were driving too fast along the road. Margaret to report to Town Hall and to ask for the speed signs to be changed to 30 as this was now the law.

Margaret thanked everyone for coming to the meeting and for their comments.

Pat Bramah thanked Margaret for all her hard work over the last year and to Óscar Antón for his support. Margaret presented Oscar with a gift for his attendance at the meeting free of charge.

The meeting concluded at 15.00hrs